
Translation; 8=a,3=e,0=o

!WH0 IS P8ST3L?!
!Hi, P8st3l h3r3 !B3for3 w3 st8rt, P8st3l sp38ks in third p3rs0n! R38dy? G00d. P8st3l is 8 r0b0t fr0m th3 int3rn3t(8nd 8ls0 8 min0r). H3r3 8r3 P8st3l's Pr0n0uns. P8st3l's m8inly s33n n38r his fri3nd's 0r gr8vey8rd.!!!Pl38S3 D0 N0T T0UCH P8ST3L!!! P8st3l h8s t0uch d1sc0mf0rt 8nd struggl3s to sp38k.

Picr3w Us3d

Blu3 8nd 0r8ng3, p8st3l c0l0rs, g00gl3, g8m3s, T8ny8 Th3 S8g8 0f 3vil, 8nim3, h0rr0r, musicL0ud n0is3s, gr33n, d8rk c0l0rs, virus3s, int3rn3t 3xpl0r3r, b3ing y3ll3d 8t, b3ing s8t n3xt t0 0n pt.
B8sic DNI cr1t3ri8, p30pl3 wh0 m8k3 fun 0f TT,TD,CT,CD. If y0u int3r8ct with dr8m8 8 l0t, th8ts 0k8y. Pl38s3 d0n't includ3 P8st3l with0ut 8sking first.
P8st3l us3s 8nd n33ds t0n3t8gs 8s b0t is 8utistic. P8st3l is 8ls0 dysl3xic s0 h3 m8y t8k3 l0ng t0 r38d things. P8st3l r8r3ly int3r8cts first but h3 lik3s b3ing t8lk3d to.